About This Project

Every successful heist needs a good team! In Sneaksters, each member of your squad takes one of two jobs, and works together to execute a mission.

A screenshot of Sneaksters with a gemstone. A screenshot of Sneaksters with a guard approaching the player.

The Thieves are in the thick of the action. Their job is to navigate through a labyrinth, grab treasures, and escape without being caught by guards. However, their toolset is very limited. They can't see anything beyond their first-person view, and have no way to stop guards or even open closed doors.

A screenshot of Sneaksters with a gemstone. A screenshot of Sneaksters with a guard approaching the player.

The Hackers watch over everything from a bird's-eye view. They can see where the guards and treasures are. They can interact with certain stage elements, such as opening and closing doors, but ultimately have no direct control over the Thieves' success.

A screenshot of Sneaksters of the map of a level, from the perspective of a Hacker.

Communication is vital for a successful mission. The Hackers must guide the Thieves to the treasures and keep them safe from guards, and the Thieves must give the Hackers information that allows them to perform more tasks.

What I've Learned From This Project